University Senate Meeting 2016-02-03
Physical Description Note
1. Agenda, February 3, 2016 2. Minutes, February 3, 2016 3. Senate Document 15-13; Curriculum and Education Policy Committee; Amended and approved; Faculty Oversight of Dual-Credit Curriculum Policy and Standards 4. Senate Document 15-16; Faculty Affairs Committee; Moved to action and approved unanimously; Creation of a Joint PNC/PUC Ad Hoc Promotion and Tenure Committee 5. Senate Document 15-17(revised); Faculty Affairs Committee; For Discussion; Unification of Purdue University Calumet and Purdue North Central 6. Senate Document 15-18(revised); Faculty Affairs Committee; For Discussion; Unification Savings 7. Senate Document 15-21; Introduced by R. Brusca-Vega; President Daniels and the Purdue University Board of Trustees 8. Senate Document 16-01; Calumet representatives on the Purdue University Intercampus Faculty Council; For Discussion; Endorsement of IFC Resolution 15.6 - 'Collaborative decision-making while the University Senate and regional campus Faculty Senates are in session' 9. Senate Document 16-02; Faculty Affairs Committee; For Discussion; PNW Promotion & Tenure Document 10. Senate Document 16-03; Nominating Committee; For Discussion and Vote; Elecetion of Faculty Nominees for Service on PNW Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Provost Seach Committee 11. Senate Document 16-04; The Ad Hoc Constitution Drafting Subcommittee of the Ad Hoc Unification Committee; for Discussion; Proposed Constitution of the Faculty of Purdue University Northwest 12. IFC Resolution 15.7; The Purdue University Intercampus Faculty Council; Visits by the Purdue system Faculty Governance Leaders to the various campuses 13. PNW Promotion and Tenure Criteria, Guidelines and Procedures 14. Academic Tenure and Promotion Policy - Final 15. Procedures for Granting Academic Tenure and Promotion - Final
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Part of the Purdue University Northwest Repository